Pet Gallery
Over the years, we have found forever homes for HUNDREDS of pets!
This is a picture gallery of all the animals that have been adopted into wonderful, loving families.
PEACHES & HONEY - Peaches and Honey are two bonded female guinea pigs. They are estimated to be a bit over a year old. The two get along well, though honey (left) is the dominant pig. They are both friendly towards humans and okay with being held. When its time for their hay and the bag starts rustling, you can expect them to wheek at the top of their lungs for a meal!
SPUTNIK - Sputnik is a male crested gecko. He is very active and loves to jump around his tank. Crested geckos need a warm, humid environment that is misted twice a day. They eat a powdered mixture combined with water that provides all of their necessary nutrition, but can be given crickets as a fun enrichment activity for them.
PENELOPE - Penelope is a 3 month old female lionhead dwarf rabbit. She is quite small, and likely wont grow much bigger than her current size. She is fairly outgoing and happy to be pet by someone. She would do best in a house where she could run around and play since she is an energetic young bunny.
PONGO - Pongo is a 3 year old male lop rabbit. He is a purebred lop and comes equip with his own pedigree. Pongo is very laid back, and does not mind the affection and companionship of a human friend. Due to his age, it might be unlikely for him to be bonded with another male rabbit, so he would be best suited for a home without other pets .
STROMBOLI - Stromboli is a 5 month old male Russian Dwarf hamster. He is extremely active, and loves running on his wheel or playing with his willow ball. Stromboli has needed some patients in order to become socialized to humans, but over time has become friendlier. Hamsters are good pets for older children or adults who are willing to be gentle and patient, since not all hamsters are very affectionate.
SUGAR - Sugar is a 1 year old female guinea pig. She is a bit shy at first, and will take time to get used to her new family. With a little patience, her personality will shine through. She is curious and will let out little squeaks when she knows it is going to be meal time.
MARSH & MELLO - Marsh and Mello are two 4 month old lionhead lop male rabbits. They are brothers, but will be adopted individually since male rabbits tend to fight when they get older. However, the two are very sweet towards humans and love attention. When their cage is opened they come right to the door for pets and love. They will do well in a family home with children age 9 and up.
CHUTNEY - Chutney is a 3 year old, long hair, male guinea pig. His favorite thing in the world is his soft, fuzzy bed that he brought from his previous home. He is active and friendly, but a bit shy at first. He seems to seek out human attention though, and is bound to become somebody’s best friend.
VERNON - Vernon is a 3 year old short hair male guinea pig. He is Chutneys brother, and has a similar demeanor to him as well. The two were rehomed during a move and needed some TLC, but they have been warming up to companionship since staying with us.
MACARONI & CHEDDAR - Macaroni and Cheddar are two female guinea pigs. Macaroni (left) is over a year old, and mother to Cheddar (right). Cheddar is a few months old but they are both very well fed pigs so Cheddar appears to be larger than her mom. The two get along fine aside from the occasional spat, but each of them have their separate huts to go back to when that happens. As most guinea pigs are, they are a bit shy to begin with but form bonds with humans over time and can be quite friendly. Guinea pigs are social animals, so we prefer them be housed in pairs or herds.
BOBBY & GENE - Bobby and Gene are two male guinea pigs. Bobby (right) is the father to Gene (left) and Cheddar. These two males are well-bonded and always get along well. They are playful and curious, but a bit timid to start, as most guinea pigs are. The two are very food motivated, and are always happy to take a vitamin C treat or some veggies. As guinea pigs are social animals, we prefer them to stay in pairs or herds of other pigs.
FABLE - Fable is a month old male rabbit. He was born with 4 siblings to our foster rabbit, Peppermint. Fable is the biggest of his litter, but also the most laid back. He is well adjusted to any situation and very comfortable in a persons arms. He enjoys giving himself long baths, sprawling out in his cage, and munching on veggies!
PEPPERMINT - Peppermint is a 3 year old female rabbit. She is the mother of 5 little kits and took very good care of them all. She has a very sweet disposition until she sees food and will go flying to her cage door. She is very food motivated but also enjoys affection and being brushed!
DALE - Dale is a male guinea pig who is less than one year old. He came to us with his brother, Chip, from a loving owner that took good care of them. The two began to fight, as male guinea pig pairs can often do, and were given separate cages. After being given their own homes they each mellowed out and found their own unique personalities.
BENJI - Benji is a 1 year old male short-haired rabbit. He has a sweet demeanor, and is very social. During playtime, Benji is very curious and loves to sniff and inspect everything around. He is very calm during cuddle time though, and will gladly accept pets. Benji is quite a big rabbit, so he would love a home where he could have a playpen or run of the room for stretching his legs daily. Even better, he’d enjoy living in a large habitat like a playpen or have free range of the house.
BEETLE - Beetle is a 10 month old male rabbit. He was born in the store in September 2019 along with four siblings . He is an active and friendly boy who enjoys chinning everything in sight. Beetle always wants to explore and make friends and would make a great family pet. He has a chronic eye discharge which received several different treatments from the vet but was not responsive. It does not effect him negatively, all we ask is that his new family clean the fur around his eye with a cotton ball morning and night. He is kind and patient about his cleanings as well.
PINKY - Pinky is a 1 year old female guinea pig. She came to us from a family who wished for her to have a home where she could have more play time and possibly a sister to keep her company. We immediately saw her sweet disposition and curiosity towards people and fell in love with her. Though she wasn’t socialized much previously she took very quickly to human affection and is now extremely friendly.
BUDDY - Buddy is a 2 year old male bearded dragon. He eats all types of bugs, but isn’t always thrilled about his veggies. Buddy is looking for a forever home that can give him lots of much needed attention and TLC.
RAISIN & BRAN - Raisin and Bran are two male guinea pigs who are three months old. They were born in a home with 2 guinea pigs that were thought to both be female, Once their litter was old enough they were brought here to be adopted! They are both very energetic boys, and still very small and cute!
UPDOWN - UpDown is a 7 month old male rabbit. He was born in the store along with 4 siblings to our foster rabbit, Peppermint. Updown is a very active bunny, and needs a lot of playtime when he gets to his new home. He also has a very sweet disposition and will get alone with anyone he meets!
PEA - Pea is a 3 month old female guinea pig. She was the only female of her litter and thus has been housed alone since being separated from the mother. She is a very vocal pig, and begs in between every meal. She also likes to come to the cage door to say hello any time someone walks by. She would make a great pet for anyone with a lot of love to give.
JELLY - Jelly is a 6 month old female rabbit. She was born in a litter of 5 to our foster rabbit, Peppermint. Her litter was raised by us at the store and is very well socialized. Out of her litter she is one of the most calm and patient, and would make a great family pet.
APPLE - Apple is a 3 year old female rabbit. She is also a mother of 3+ baby bunnies! She came from a home where many bunnies of all ages sexes were kept together without being spayed or neutered. We suspect she may have had a litter previous to this current one, but as of now her babies are nearing 3 months and ready for mom to go find her forever home! She is a very sweet-tempered lady and loves to be held in someones lap and pet!
CHESTNUT - Chestnut is a 2 month old male Syrian hamster. Chestnut and their 7 siblings were born in the store to our hamster Moo. Most of these babies are still up for adoption, though we do not know the sex of each one yet. Hamsters eat mainly pellets, but can also eat a variety of veggies and even millet, as you can see above!
CHIP - Chip is an 8 month old male guinea pig. He came to us with his brother, Dale, from a very loving home that could not keep them. They are smart and active boys, but they are a little bit shy. All Chip needs is a comfortable home to be in and he will warm up just fine!
FINN - Finn is a 2-3 year old female ferrets. Ferrets can live up to 10 years as pets, so Finn is still a relatively young girl. She is a perfect pet for family of any size, as she loves to play and sleep in people’s laps, depending on how each person prefers to spend quality time with her. Finn came to us with a blanket she loves to sleep and snuggle in, which you could put on your lap if you want her to take a long snooze with you on the couch!
EGGNOG - Eggnog is a 2-3 year old male guinea pig with a big personality. He is very social and likes to talk to people and weak for his food. He loves his veggies the most and is lukewarm towards his pellets. Eggnog will always let you know exactly how he’s feeling, so you never have to wonder if hes enjoying himself or annoyed! He likes to be held or walk around and explore his surroundings!
FROSTINA - Frostina is a 2 month old hamster, which means they are too young for us to k now the sex. She was born in our store from our hamster, Moo, in a litter of 8. Most of her siblings are also currently up for adoption as well.
PIPPIN - Pippin is a 4 month old male rabbit. His mother, Apple, and two siblings, Jazz and Mac, are also up for adoption with us. The unique trademark of this little family is one white paw on each bunny. Pippin is an energetic boy who can be clumsy at times as well. When he is not sleeping he is hopping around and tossing his toys across the cage. He would make a fun family pet for a home with children.
JAZZ - Jazz is a 4 month old female baby bunny. Her mother, Apple, is also up for adoption as well as her two siblings. Her and her siblings are all known for having one white paw, though their mother’s paws are all white! Jazz is a sweet girl and likes being held and hoping around. Since she is so young, she’ll need extra play time and affection to get out all of her energy!
VIOLET & MURRY - Violet and Murry are two female guinea pigs. Violet, the mother, is 2 years old. Murry, her daughter, is 1 years old. They are a bonded pair and get along well, so they would prefer to go home together. Guinea pigs are generally social, herd animals and it is best to keep them in groups of two or more. These girls are generally shy but can be very loving in the right family.
FRANKLIN - Franklin is a 2 year old male hybrid gecko. When he was surrendered he had only eaten superworms that were thrown in his tank, but now he has taken a liking to roaches and wax worms as well! He is a very curious boy and loves to motor around on someones arms, across a table, and anywhere else he can explore. He is very friendly and as you can see, very photogenic!
GRIZZ - Grizz is a 1 year old male guinea pig who came to us with his sister Luna. His previous cage was small and kept very unsanitary, so he had to be treated for lice. Once he was healthy again we were able to spend more time with him and get to know his personality. Grizz is a sassy boy who will not stand for green veggies or houses that are too tiny! The only veggies he likes are carrots, but he will love you forever if you give him one!
CINABUNNY - Cinabunny is a 7 month old male dwarf rabbit. He came to us from the Bloomfield Animal Shelter, so his age is approximate but he is definitely under a year. He can be a shy rabbit, but once he bonds with someone he will sit in their arms for a long time!
LUNA - Luna is a 9 month old female guinea pig. Her and her brother, Grizz, came to us in small, unsanitary cages and needed a lot of extra care and attention at first. She is one of the friendliest guinea pigs we’ve had, she loves to be pet on the bridge of her nose! For such an enthusiastic guinea pig, she is also very quiet and does not wheek, so if you are annoyed by the sound she is a wonderful pig for you! Likewise if you are looking for a very sweet and playful companion!
SUNNY - Sunny is a 2 1/2 year old male bearded dragon who came to us along with Rae. He and his sister are quite small for their size and may not have been fed a proper diet prior to being here. Thankfully, they are both great eaters of all types of bugs and veggies. What makes sunny unique is the gold coloration around his eyes and beard! This gorgeous boy is looking for a new home with lots of food!
RAE - Rae is a 2 1/2 year old female bearded dragon who came to us along with Sunny. She and her brother are quite small for their size and may not have been fed a proper diet prior to being here. Thankfully, they are both great eaters of all types of bugs and veggies. Rae is very interactive for a beardie and will climb right onto your arm during cage cleanings!
SALCHICHA - Salchicha is a 4 year old male guinea pig who came to us from the animal shelter. He is a very social and very vocal guinea pig. He always wheeks for his veggies, and when he hears the rustling of a bag. If you are looking for an interactive pet to become part of the family Salchicha is the one for you! Bonus fact: Salchicha means sausage in spanish!
COCONUT - Coconut is a 3 year old male lop eared rabbit. This breed of rabbit tends to be very sweet, and Coconut is no exception! He is a really laid back bunny who will be a wonderful family member to sit and cuddle with!
BUCKET - Bucket is a 3 year old male dwarf rabbit. He has a very relaxed personality in the arms of a person, even during nail clippings! Keep in mind though, he is very dominant with other rabbits so he might not do well with a cage mate! He much prefers people, and bonds well with those who spend time with him.
RUTABAGA - Rutabaga is a 3 year old adult male rabbit. He is the father of many baby bunnies, and a lover to all. He is friendly, gentle, and would make a great companion for someone looking for a cuddly pet. As a bonus, Rutabaga adapts really well to any environmental changes and does not show signs of stress, so he will easily adjust to his new home.
ONION - Onion is a 6 month old male rabbit. Out of our recent rabbits he is definitely the most shy, and will need some love and attention in order to open up to someone. When we do pick him up and hold him, he lets us pet him but is a bit anxious. If you have love and patience to offer to your new pet bunny, Onion is your guy.
EGGPLANT - Eggplant is 6 month old male rabbit. He is a sibling to a few of the other young rabbit we have up for adoption now. Eggplant will be loyal to his human companion, but prefers not to be housed with any other bunny friends. He is sweet and curious, and will happily accept any treats you are willing to give him.
PARSNIP - Parsnip is a 6 month old female rabbit. She is a sibling to a few of the other young rabbit we have up for adoption now. Parsnip was the alpha of her two sisters, always nudging her way in to get the first bite of each meal. She has a spunky personality and would love to go to a family that has lots of play time to give her!
SPROUT - Sprout is a 6 month old female rabbit. She is a sibling to a few of the other young rabbit we have up for adoption now. Sprout was the most submissive of the group, and patiently waited her turn at every meal. Though she is shy at first, she has a loving and adorable disposition. Not to mention her adorable ears!
AMBER - Amber is a 3 year old female bearded dragon with a lot of energy. She is a very entertaining dragon, and will jump around in her tank. She is a good eater and will gladly snack on anything you offer to her. Since she is a bit small for her age it would be best to feed her a good amount of bugs, some veggies, and add calcium regularly for added nutrients.
OLIVE - Olive is a 6 month old female rabbit.She is a sibling to a few of the other young rabbit we have up for adoption now. Olive was ranked in the middle of the hierarchy of sisters, which makes her both sweet and sassy. She has a lot of curiosity and would love to get tons of play time to stretch her legs. And since she is a well rounded bunny, she would also love time to just sit with the family.
MR. BINKS - Mr Binks is a 3 year old male rabbit who came from very loving parents that could no longer take care of him. He is a bit shy at first but likes to be held and pet once he warms up to you. With patience and care he could be an amazing therapy animal or general companion to someone. It is said that he responds to his name, so come try it out and see!
LARS - Lars is a 2-3 year old male bearded dragon who is a bit smaller than most dragons his age. Thankfully, he has an amazing appetite and is always looking to be fed. Another great thing about him is he will accept any type of bugs you’d like to give him, he is far from picky. He will make a great companion for someone who is looking to hang out and give him some exploration time.
TINY - Tiny is a 5 month old male dwarf rabbit. For such a small bunny, he has a very big and rambunctious personality, which may explain his original name of Jaws. He is very active in his cage but is also okay with being held. As a dwarf rabbit, it is probably that he wont grow too much more, and he will most definitely keep his round little face.
LION - Lion was born January 5th, 2019 with his brother, Bear, who is also up for adoption with us. They are the pups of Marcus, and were all surrendered to us together. He is an affectionate boy, and especially loves cuddles and being held. He is very calm in the arms of a person, and equally calm in the presence of other guinea pigs. Lion would do well in a home with other pigs, and some people to love as well.
OPAL - Opal is a 3 year old crested gecko, which is a tropical species of gecko that requires lots of foliage and moisture. Because of their region, they also have flat, sticky toes that allow them to adhere to most surfaces. Opal in particular is a very laid back crested gecko and spends most of her time stuck to the backdrop of her cage covered in foliage.
LATTE - Latte is a 1-3 year old female guinea pig with a very friendly personality. She loves attention almost as much as she loves her giraffe bed! She came to us with this bed and could not part with it, so it’ll be going with her when she finds a home! Latte will really thrive with a family who wants to give her plenty of playtime and affection. In her downtime Latte can be found lounging in her cozy bed daydreaming about her future family!
PANDA - Panda is a young rabbit who was rescued by a local animal shelter when he was found running loose in a parking lot. He evidently used to be someone's pet, as he is very comfortable around humans and loves to get affection. He will even run to the front of his cage to get attention! Although we are unsure of his exact age, a vet estimated him to be around 7 months old - still just a baby! Judging from his proportions, Panda is most likely a dwarf rabbit, and he probably will not grow much bigger than he is now. Panda is unbearably cute, and would love to go to a home where he can have lots of attention and preferably a play pen to run around in, as he has a lot of energy due to his young age.
KYLO - Kylo is a 3 year old male bearded dragon with a very outgoing personality. He was well loved by his previous owners, and even came with a baby picture that shows him at 1/3 of his current size! Kylo is one of the only dragons that will beg for attention rather than bugs. He loves to chill out on someones arm and have one on one time.
MARCUS - Marcus is an adult male guinea pig who was brought to us with his two young children, Lion and Bear; all of them crested. He is shy at first, but once he is being held he accepts pets and cuddles. The best way to bond with him is feeding him pieces of lettuce or carrots. Ultimately, its best to let any shy guinea pig come to you first. Marcus is waiting for his forever home, so come see this handsome boy today!
APPA & MOMO - Appa and Momo are a pair of 3 year old male ferrets who were brought to us by a local shelter after their owners were evicted. At first, the two were underweight but have since been put on a high-quality cat food that they are chowing down on and are back to healthy weight. They are up to date on their vaccines, neutered, and even litterbox trained! This bonded pair can be seen cuddling up in their hammocks most of the day, and would love to go to their forever home together. They are both very curious, love to run and play on the floor, and will climb all over you!
JELLYBEAN - Jellybean is a female mini lop rabbit who was born on March 26th, 2016. She has a very sweet and gentle disposition and spends a lot of her time taking naps in her house. Because of her breed, Jellybean is extremely soft and fluffy, making a great companion for snuggling. She can be a little shy, but will bond well with her new family once she acclimates to her home.
ISAAC - Isaac is a young male abyssinian/long hair mix guinea pig who is still under a year old. When he first arrived at Brookdale Pet Center it was immediately clear to us that he had been living in a filthy cage. The fur on his belly was soaked with urine and he had such matted hair that we had to give him a haircut. Now, Isaac is happy and clean! He is quite a handsome guinea pig with soft, white abyssinian fur. His hair will probably grow out soon to its original length, so he will need occasional brushing to prevent matting in the future. We have also observed that Isaac has a very dominant personality around other male guinea pigs, so if you plan to bond him with another male, he would do best with a guinea pig is younger than him or more submissive. Isaac is very friendly towards humans, and would make a great family pet.
COOKIE - Cookie is a 3 year old female crested guinea pig with a spunky personality. She always runs to the front of her cage to greet anyone who walks by, and loves to be petted on the top of her head when she puts her paws up and leans out to be petted or given a treat! She does seem to get annoyed whenever anyone tries to pet her on her chin, cheeks, chest, or belly and she will nip to let you know it. For this reason, she may not be the best choice for young children. However, she has become a favorite of staff and customers because of the adorable way she greets people, and her funny personality. Crested guinea pigs are known for their intelligence, and Cookie is a perfect example of this!
FIONA - Fiona is a large female rabbit who is most likely a Flemish Giant breed mix. Shes extremely friendly and loves human company. Since she is so large, its even more important that she gets out of her cage to run around and stretch her lefts quite often. When she was given to us to foster they were not sure of her exact age but we estimate her to be about 3 years old.
JASPER - Jasper is a young bearded dragon who is estimated to have been born in December 2018 along with 3 other siblings. They were bred and abandoned, given to us in a less than satisfactory state. We are happy to say they have been spoiled back to health with bugs and mixed veggie salads. Jasper has one of the most relaxed personalities of the 4 beardies, but always goes wild for roaches and hornworms.
SPIDERMAN - Spiderman the dumpy frog is ready to leap into your heart and be your hero. He is an extremely friendly frog who will hang out in your hand, and hop right back into his cage for you when you're done. Waxworms, hornworms, and roaches are the way to this frog's heart. He is a low maintenance pet since he only needs to be fed 2-3 times a week and leaves very little waste. A clean habitat,some bugs, and access to water will make Spiderman a very happy frog.
BEAR - Bear was born January 5th, 2019 with his brother, Lion, who is also up for adoption with us. They are the pups of Marcus, and were all surrendered to us together. Bear is affectionate with people, but a little more apprehensive when it comes to other guinea pigs than his brother is. With proper and patient bonding, he could thrive with another guinea pig friend in the future. If you want to bribe your way into his heart, hand him his vitamin C treat every day!
BUNBUN - Meet BunBun! She is a sweet girl who was rescued by Bloomfield Animal Shelter after being found lost on the streets. After being rescued, she was treated for a UTI and had a cyst removed from one of her mammary glands. The cyst was tested positive for being cancerous, but fortunately Bun bun has no other detectable cysts. She has a very calm, sweet disposition and would make a wonderful pet for any family. She has no doubt been through hard times in her life and we are excited to be able to provide her with health, love, and comfort.
DARWIN - Darwin is a Bearded Dragon who is only about a year old. He came to us from a family that had two bearded dragons, and was unable to care for both. Though his previous family loved him very much he was selected to come to us, and we enjoy having him here. Darwin's most unique feature is his short tail, which is only about 1/3 the length of a normal bearded dragon's. His owners said he had always had a stumpy tail, so it was most likely the way he was born.
BLUBBS - Blubbs is a 3-year-old male guinea pig who gets his name from his big tummy! Blubbs came to us with mites on his back, and we quickly began treatment with our local vet. He was a great sport through injections and being handled, with only a few squeaks along the way. Blubbs' personality is outgoing and buoyant with a bit of a sassy side. He is a big kisser, and loves head pets so be sure to provide these as many times a day as you can! Blubbs is now mite-free, in good health, and just a big lug who is waiting to be part of a family!
BEANS - Beans is a 1 year-old guinea pig who was well loved by a little girl who unfortunately had to move away. When he came to us, Beans had never had pellets or hay before, and lived on a diet of fruits and vegetables. This left him a lot smaller than a healthy 1 year old guinea pig. We introduced pellets and hay to him on his first day here and he ate them right up. Beans is now on a balanced diet, and working towards optimal weight. He is a very adaptable and very friendly boy.
LAYLA - Layla came to us from a previous home that had many bunnies other than her. A few too many bunnies, since she was given to us to foster. She was and is well loved, and in good health. Layla is a very sweet bunny, and will approach you to receive pets. Unique to find in a pet, Layla seems to prefer pets and love over food rewards
LIZ LEMON - Liz Lemon is a leopard gecko who is only on year 1 of her expected 10-15 years of life. As a young gecko, she is spoiled with frequent roaches and hornworms; her favorite bugs to munch on. Liz spends a lot of time in her humidity hut, relaxing and soaking up the moisture for a healthy shed. She has a very calm demeanor and is easily picked up and held. She will make a wonderful, easy-going, lovable pet.
SANDSTORM - Sandstorm is an adult crested gecko that was surrendered to us from a previous home that could no longer take care of her. She's ready for her next home to be her forever home, and will leap right into your arms to go home with you. Crested geckos are tropical reptiles that enjoy lots of humidity and foliage to grab onto with their sticky toes. Sandstorm is easily held and will climb up your arm and onto your shoulder if you like. Cresties don't ask for much, just humidity, their fruit mixture, a clean home and some love.
JOEY - Joey is a one year old guinea pig who was brought to us by his previous owners who could no longer take care of him. He is extremely friendly and will run right up to the door of his cage when you open it. Joey received a lot of love and attention with his last owners, as well as with us, so we hope his next home will keep the love going!
THE HOBBIT - The Hobbit is a young guinea pig, given to us with his very own hobbit house, hence his name. He is a friendly, healthy boy and would make a great pet for just about anyone. Guinea pigs are also social animals, so they enjoy human friends as well as guinea pig friends, so Hobbit would be happiest with a partner or a few!
HUMMUS - Hummus is a young rabbit, estimated to be around a year old. He came to us in good health, but had not gotten along well with his cage-mate. However, he is affectionate with people and always comes up to the door of his cage to be pet. He is very happy being held, and would love to be someone's one and only bunny.
PEARL - Pearl is a sweet young bearded dragon who is estimated to have been born in December 2018 along with their 3 siblings. They were irresponsibly bred by an owner who abandoned them with us at Brookdale Pet Center. Luckily, all 4 are in good hands now, and we've seen them grow a significant amount since arriving with us. Pearl is a great hunter and loves to eat hornworms, crickets, and roaches!
PERIDOT - Peridot is a young bearded dragon who is estimated to have been born in December 2018 along with 3 other siblings. Peri seems to be about to have a growth spurt with all the shedding they've been doing lately! They will eventually grow to be over a foot in length from head to tail, so a 40 gallon tank is required for them once they reach adulthood. Peri is great hunter of crickets and roaches, and also loves to eat their daily salads. Strangely, Peridot is the only bearded dragon we have had that doesn't like to eat hornworms!V
MAGGIE & LISA - Maggie and Lisa are a pair of female rat sisters born on November 1st 2018. They are siblings to Jill and Samantha. Lisa is the larger of the two and has a light brown spot on her nose. Maggie is smaller and has completely white fur. Both of them are very curious, and Lisa will climb over to sniff your hand, checking for any possible treats we may have to offer them. Rats are very social, and prefer to be kept in pairs. They are very intelligent and will form strong bonds with their owners, making them wonderful pets. Whoever has the patience, attention, and love to give these girls will be rewarded with two affectionate and entertaining companions.
CLAIRE - Claire is a sweet young female guinea pig who was born in October 2018. Claire is an abyssinian guinea pig, so her fur looks scruffy and sticks up in places, giving her a cute bed head look. She has a beautiful chocolate brown, tan, and white coloration. Claire was brought to us after her owners developed allergies to her shortly after adopting her. Claire is very friendly and loves to be brushed and cuddled with. She would make great family pet or companion for another female guinea pig.
ANGUS - Angus is a male guinea pig about 2 to 3 years old. He was brought to Brookdale Pet Center because his owners were moving away, and could not take him with them. He is absolutely adorable with his rex fur, making his coat very soft and fluffy. He has the cutest little face and has a great personality to go with it! Angus is very comfortable being held and petted and would do great as a family pet and/or paired up with another compatible male guinea pig.
STETSON - Stetson is a handsome male guinea pig with a long, scruffy black coat. We estimate he is around 1 to 2 years of age. Evidently, he was left in a dirty cage at his previous home and had mats in his fur. He is feeling much better now that his fur is brushed and he has a nice, clean place to sleep. He seems appreciative of this, and has started to come out of his shell. He is shy around new people but we are working to show him that there's nothing to be afraid of.
CHARLOTTE - Charlotte is a young female rabbit who was brought to us after she was found abandoned in a park in very cold weather. She had been left in a small cage with the door left open, but she was too scared to leave her cage. Shortly after arriving at Brookdale Pet Center, we quickly noticed her sneezing and coughing. With the help of our vet, we found that she had caught a cold. Charlotte was extremely cooperative taking her medication, and she is now healthy and ready for adoption!
TIPSY - Tipsy is a female baby abyssinian guinea pig who was born in November 2018. She was brought to us along with Claire, although the two are not related. Their owners developed allergies soon after adopting them and unfortunately had to rehome them. Tipsy is still quite small, but would would pair well with another female guinea pig around her age. She loves to be held and cuddled, and often likes to bury herself in hay when she sleeps!
COFFEE & TOAST - Coffee and Toast are a bonded pair of dwarf rabbits who are both around 3 years old. Coffee, the darker colored male, is neutered so there's no chance of any accidental pregnancy between this male/female pair. Toast, the lighter colored female, has a little bit of the "lionhead" gene, which is shown in the mane-like tuft of long fur that grows around her head. These two bunnies get along very well together, and must be adopted as a pair. They can often be seen sleeping or eating side by side, and spend a lot of time grooming each other. Grooming is a big part of how rabbits show affection for one another, making it a great way for owners to form strong relationships with their rabbits. If your rabbit tries to "groom" you in return, that means they are very loving and trusting of you! So come on in and share the love with Coffee and Toast!
PIKA & BOO - Pika and Boo (Peekaboo!) are two very sweet young female guinea pigs estimated to both be around one year of age. These two girls were discovered on arrival to have fur lice due to being left in a filthy cage. Guinea pig lice are only transferable to other guinea pigs are are NOT contagious to people. Nevertheless, Pika and Boo were placed in a quarantine cage where we treated them thoroughly with medication. Now that they are lice free, these girls are finally ready for adoption! They are both a little bit shy but they will come running if they see that you have food to offer them! They are bonded and get along very well, so they would be a perfect choice for anyone who is new to keeping guinea pigs, as bonding them can be difficult.
LOUIE - Louie is a 4 year old neutered male rabbit with a rather special coat. His fur is called a "rex" coat because the fur grows shorter, thicker, and softer than normal rabbits. And in Louie's case, he has what is also called "chinchilla" fur because of its two toned gray color that is characteristic of chinchillas. He is velvety soft and gets a lot of petting and attention because of it! He was given his name after a customer described him as the "Louis Vuitton" of rabbits, due to how soft and luxurious his fur feels. Louie is very calm and will gladly sit still while he gets pet and brushed. He's got a wonderfully friendly personality and will be a great pet for any family.
JILL & SAMANTHA - Jill and Sam are a pair of female rat sisters who were born on November 1st 2018. Jill has mostly black fur with white on her belly and on the tip of her tail. Samantha is an all white albino. The two of them are inseparable, and are always side by side. Samantha seems to be the more adventurous and bold one out of the two, with Jill being a bit more shy. These girls came to us from another pet store who had taken in a few neglected rats that had a rather large group of babies shortly after they arrived. We agreed to take in some of the babies to find them new homes, and that's how we got Jill, Samantha, and four of their sisters, two of which have already been adopted. Samantha was discovered to have respiratory infection after we noticed her sneezing quite a lot. She is almost entirely recovered now after being treated with antibiotics, and the pair are now ready for adoption!
NOEL - Noel is a year and a half old albino female rabbit with a beautiful snowy white coat. She has a very sweet and calm disposition and is comfortable being picked up. She loves attention and will lay down her head to ask for some petting. She arrived to us along with Holly, but as far as we can tell the two of them are not related. Noel would do great as a family pet and loves the affection of children and adults alike.
PEPE - Pepe is a young lionhead dwarf rabbit who is about 1 year old. He was named after the famous skunk character due to his black/white coloration with a white stripe on his face. Pepe also has beautiful blue eyes, a trait that is uncommon in rabbits of his color. His lionhead characteristic means that he also has a "mane" of longer fur around his head. He is very calm and has a very sweet personality to go along with his good looks!
SLINKY - Slinky is a young female ferret (already vaccinated and spayed) who was born in January 2018. Because of her hilariously curious and friendly personality she is absolutely adored by customers and staff. Slinky loves nothing more than to be held and pet, but once she gets excited, she will tirelessly chase her toys around, and will jump and run and wrestle like a puppy. Ferrets are notoriously mischievous and will get into anything that catches their interest. However, ferrets are also very heavy sleepers, and when they aren't playing and exploring, they are busy napping. Ferrets are very social, and prefer to be kept in pairs. Slinky was given to us as a single ferret, and we request that whoever adopts her also finds her a cagemate. Come on in and spend just a few minutes with slinky and you will surely fall in love!
BUMBLE B - Bumble is a male abyssinian guinea pig who is reaching a more senior age at about 4 or 5 years old. He was in rough shape when he first came to us. The bottoms of his feet were red and irritated from being left in a filthy cage. His skin was also very dry as a result of this and he was shedding heavily due to a vitamin deficiency. Fortunately, all he needed was some TLC, a clean cage and good diet. He recovered very quickly and is now in perfect health. Bumble is very mellow and sweet, partly due to his age. He seems appreciative to be living a better life, and hopefully will get to be a loving pet to someone once again.
HOLLY - Holly is a year and a half old female rabbit. She has a very special coat called "rex" fur, which is extremely soft and has a velvety texture. The unique rex fur also makes her whiskers short and curly. Holly is very friendly and comfortable with being held. She is even known to nudge your hand with her nose when she wants to be petted. She was brought to us along with Noel, from a situation where the owner had too many rabbits to take care of.
GARNET - Garnet is an adult bearded dragon with a mellow and sweet personality. She spends most of her time relaxing and sunbathing on her hammock. And there's nothing she loves more than soaking in a nice warm bath! Unfortunately, not all of Garnet's life has been easy, and due to improper care prior to being brought to Brookdale Pet Center, she has a few health issues her new owners will have to help her with.
BRAMBLE - Bramble is a one year old male guinea pig with a cute scruffy coat. He came in with a cage mate who was adopted out separately, so he would be a good candidate to pair with another male guinea pig, as long as they get along well and are bonded properly. He is very sociable with people as well and has a calm and friendly personality. His long fluffy fur will need some occasional brushing, as when he first arrived at Brookdale, he had a couple of mats in his fur.
SPECKS - Specks is a 3 year old neutered male dwarf rabbit. He is extremely friendly and calm, and would do great with any family. He is always eager to be pet and will often lay down and close his eyes when petted. He is very tolerant with being held as long as he feels secure. On occasion he can become nervous and shy when there is a lot of loud noise and activity going on, but a few scratches behind the ears and he comes right out of his shell.
SASQUATCH & YETI - Sasquatch & Yeti are adult brother guinea pigs who were brought to us after being abandoned at a vet's office. They both have abyssinian fur that sticks up and gives them an adorable bedhead look! After arriving at Brookdale, we found they were quite shy around people but seemed to find comfort in each other. Since then, they've been learning to trust people, becoming more comfortable being held and brushed, which is necessary to keep their special hairdo's soft and tidy. As a bonded pair, they love to snuggle each other and keep in close quarters. They're a perfect pair for those who are new to keeping guinea pigs, as bonding males can be rather difficult!
JACK JACK - Jack Jack is male baby hamster who was born in June 2018, and is the sibling to Clementine. Since he came to us, his fur has been growing out quite a bit, as the long haired teddy hamster genes are kicking in! He has soft fluffy brown coat and an energetic personality. Along with his sister he was born from a female hamster who was bought from a corporate pet store, unkowingly pregnant when she was adopted. Thankfully, all of the babies were born healthy, and have grown into wonderful pets. Jack jack is looking for a forever home with a family who will give him lots of treats that he can stuff into his cute little cheeks!
TANGO - Tango is a 2 year old female leopard gecko with a "high yellow" morph pattern. She is fairly comfortable with being handled and loves to eat wax worms, horn worms, and crickets on occasion, as she can be a lazy hunter sometimes! She chills out in her cave most of the day, sometimes with just her head poking out of the entrance. But in the evenings she can be seen taking a leisurely stroll around her tank.
BUFFY & WILLOW - Buffy and Willow are two adult lop-eared rabbit sisters who are very much attached to one another, and must be adopted together as a pair. These girls are extremely affectionate and love to be pet and snuggled with. They are often found sleeping side by side and even share meals without any conflict. Although we've caught willow trying to sneak food out of Buffy's bowl from time to time! They are both very calm and sweet rabbits and would do wonderfully with any family who can provide them with some extra room (like a play pen) to accommodate both of them.
HARPER - Harper is a one year old female dwarf rabbit with a feisty personality. She is territorial over her cage and belongings, and is especially protective of her toy ball which is her prized possession. She needs an owner who is understanding of this and has the love and patience to earn her trust. When she is outside of her cage, however, she becomes much more relaxed and is just as happy to be pet and held as any other rabbit.
NIBBLES - Nibbles is a 1 year old male guinea pig. He hasn’t yet had success bonding with another pig, but most pigs are happiest when they find a buddy to live with! Guinea pigs typically live in social groups or pairs, and their friendliness with people varies depending on the pig. Nibbles is a bit shy but would do well with a family who is happy to gain his trust
SKIPPY & MINI - Skippy and Mini are two 3 year old male guinea pigs. Skippy is the leader of the two, and very friendly, whereas Mini is a bit more shy. A great way to bond with a shy guinea pig is to feed them some snacks, which has made Mini warm up to us a ton! As seen by their photo, they are two very big boys and will require lots of space to roam, graze, and lounge. If this sounds good to you, these pigs might be a great match for your home!
ZIGGY - Ziggy is a male leopard gecko who is under a year old. He is very active and curious, with a funny little personality. He is easily handled, and doesnt mind being picked up if you do so slowly. He is very food motivated, but one of his quirks is that it takes a bit of chasing around for him to finally get his prey! Its truly entertaining to watch him strive for and achieve his goal though, its a natural act for a gecko!
MARS - Mars is a male leopard gecko that is likely 2 to 3 years old. He is likely the father to Ziggy and Ares, though not much is known about their lives before coming here. Mars loves to hang out in his humidity hut, which is great for hydration and a clean, healthy shed! Mars is okay with being handled, but prefers roaming around to staying in one place.
ARES - Ares is a male leopard gecko who is under a year old. He is quite active and a very adept hunter. His reflexes are quick, and the second you drop a bug in his tank he will catch it! Ares is okay with being picked up and held if someone is slow and gentle with him. He doesn't like to stay in one place for too long tho, so expect him to roam! If you’re looking for an active friend, you’ve found your guy!
BUMBLE & BEE - Bumble and Bee are two 1 year old male guinea pigs. They are a bonded pair, and will have to be adopted together. Bee (black and yellow) is the most outgoing of the two, but bumble isn’t too shy himself. They love lounging around and munching away on their food
LUCKY & PENNY - Lucky (right) and Penny (left) are two 3 year old female guinea pigs. They are a bonded pair and live very harmoniously together. They are also friendly towards humans and enjoy being pet! They are naturally fluffy because of their breed, which is called Abyssinain. They don’t require brushing, and shed the same amount as a regular guinea pig!
TIMMY - Timmy is a 1 year old male guinea pig. He came to us with his brother, Biscuit, and they were a bonded pair that unfortunately had to be separated due to small fights between them. Timmy is the most timid of the two, and needs a patient owner to help him out of his shell. He is very cute with a lot of love to give.
BLUBS & LION - Blubs and Lion are two male guinea pigs who are 2 ½ and 4 years old. They were adopted separately and bonded together by their previous home. Blubs’ personality is outgoing and buoyant with a bit of a sassy side. He is a big kisser and loves receiving head pets. Lion is also affectionate and loves cuddles. He is very calm with people and with other guinea pigs. They are a great duo and will bring joy to any home!
TULIP - Tulip is a female guinea pig who is under a year old. She came to us a bit shy, but has warmed up to us over time. We were given the estimation that she is about a year, but given her size we believe her to be even younger. Tulip would do well alone or placed with other guinea pigs, since they are social animal
WILLOW - Willow is a 1 year old female guinea pig. She is calm and will sit contently in someone’s arms. She loves to get snacks throughout the day, including some extra veggies, fruit, or oxbow treats. Overall, she is a great companion and would do well in any home
PAPPY - Pappy is a 3 year old male guinea pig. He came to us with his son, whom he was separated from due to them not getting along. He would do best with a guinea pig closer to his own age, so they can treat each other more like equals. He is outgoing for a guinea pig and loves to snack.
SMUDGE - Smudge is a 1-2 year old male dwarf rabbit. Despite his smaller breed he is still a medium sized rabbit due to his previous owner having him quite spoiled! He is a sweet boy, and very laid back. Smudge also has a very unique coloration, being mostly solid black with small patches of brown
TEDDY - Teddy is a 5 month old male guinea pig. He is very curious about everyone and everything. He is energetic and loves his timothy hideout tunnel, which we stuff with hay for him. Teddy has a very sweet disposition and will do well in a family home. He is also a very good eater and will even wheek for his hay!
BIG BERTHA - Big Bertha is a 1 year old female Holland Lap Rabbit. This breed can grow to be a bit larger than the standard shorthair rabbit so they need a large cage and plenty of play time outside of the cage. in terms of demeanor, Bertha is very sweet and sometimes a little shy around people. In a quiet atmosphere she can be very trusting and loving with a person, and will do well in a loving home envirnoment.
MOCHA & JOE - Mocha and Joe are two 1 year old male guinea pigs. They came to us as a pair, and have always gotten along fine! It is clear, however, that Joe (black and white) is the dominant of the two, and calls the shots. Mocha is a very patient pig and happy to wait for his turn to eat, which is why the two of them work so well together. They are both friendly with people and enjoy receiving forehead pets!
GUAPO - Guapo is a 5 month old male skinny pig. He was surrendered to us with his sister, who was not known to be a female at the time, so the two were separated. They did get along well, so its possible for him to be paired with a guinea pig of the same sex later in life! Guinea pigs are herd animals and enjoy being in groups of two or more, though typically they are all of the same sex. He is also friendly towards people, and much more confident than other guinea pigs his age!
PEACHES & EGGPLANT - Peaches and Eggplant are two leopard geckos, housed separate. They are 3-4 years old and leopard geckos can live up to 15, so they are actually quite young! They have lived together for most of their lives, however since leopard geckos tend to be solitary animals we thought it best to separate. These two geckos enjoy wax worms and occasional roaches. Peaches and Eggplant are somewhat social as far as geckos go, and don’t mind being picked up and held if you want to spend time with them
ATHENA - Athena is a 10 month old female bearded dragon. She is very active and loves being taken out of her cage! She is happy to hang on to your shoulder as you walk around, or walk around outside of her tank. Athena is a bit over-weight for her age so we had to put her on a special diet! Bugs are her favorite thing to eat, and she pays almost no mind to her vegetables! However, it is important for beardies to get veggies every day, so it is best to try to entice her with some freeze dried bugs in her salad!
AGENT PJ - Pj is a 3 year old male abyssinian guinea pig. Agent Piggy Jones is an extremely friendly and curious guinea pig. He will greet you at the door of his cage and is always excited for play time. He is happy to roam around a playpen with some hay and toys, and happily squeaks to himself. PJ is a joy to have, and would do well with any owners with love and time to give.
FRED & GEORGE - Fred and George are two of the three babies born at Brookdale Pet Center on December 12th, 2020. We have loved watching them grow into their personalities the past few months! In true guinea pig nature, they are very food motivated. The sound of the treat bag causes them to erupt in synchronized wheeks.
BROCCOLI & SPROUT - Broccoli and Sprout are two female guinea pigs who are about a year old. They are a bonded pair, and since guinea pigs are social animals they will need a home they can enjoy together! They are quite shy and will need a patient and loving home to get them out of their shells
KNUCKLES - Knuckles is a one year old male African pygmy hedgehog. Hedgehogs are nocturnal; they are only active at night. In the wild, hedgehogs are solitary animals. This means that they are generally shy and wary of people. With patience and a gentle hand, a bond can be formed between owner and hedgehog.
FRENCH TOAST - French Toast is a 1 year old male rabbit. He came to us with his sister, but they were separated due to not being spayed and neutered. He is a sweet boy, who loves to run around and play. He would do well in any home that is able to give him plenty of play time.
PEPPER & PERIWINKLE - Pepper (male) and Periwinkle (female) are two 1 year old bonded Holland Lop rabbits. They are pure bred, with the very rare trait of blue eyes. They are spayed and neutered, so it is safe to have them together as a pair. They are very affection towards each other, with Periwinkle being the dominant bunny. You can tell this because Pepper spends a lot of his time grooming her.
CHEERIO - Cheerio is a 1 year old female rabbit. She is very energetic, and outgoing. She is a very curious girl and always wants to know what’s going on around her. She’d do well in a home with a family who can take her out plenty, and let her explore.
CHARLES - Charles is a 3 year old male leopard gecko. Leopard geckos can live to around 15 years, so Charles is still relatively young. Charles is a fairly active gecko in the afternoons and has a healthy appetite
COMET & CUPID - Comet and Cupid are mother/daughter. When Comet was surrendered to us with Guapo (the skinnypig), we had no idea she was pregnant! The previous owners hadn’t separated them in time. On December 12th, 2020, Comet gave birth to three babies- Fred, George, and Cupid. Cupid is Comet’s mini-me and loves to follow her mom wherever she goes
APOLLO - Apollo is a one year old male Dutch rabbit. He is social and energetic. His previous owner let him roam free so he needs a home that will provide him plenty of exercise. Apollo loves to explore. When we let him out of his cage for play time, he never fails to binky (a binky is when a rabbit jumps and twists in the air to signal happiness and comfort!)